The objective

Culture is an important base for creating a global dialogue, it is an irreplaceable base to establish solid bridges with the host country.


  • Promotion of the Albanian culture and language, among other things to fulfill the desire of the second and third generation of Albanians born in the West to improve their use of Albanian not only as the language of their ancestors, but also as language of a rich culture.
  • Maintaining of the spiritual, linguistic and cultural connections of Diaspora with the homeland, strengthening of the contact of Albania and Kosovo with the Diaspora. Culture is an important base for creating a global dialogue, it is an irreplaceable element to establish solid bridges with the host country.
  • Promotion of cultural, intellectual and investment activities of a global Diaspora in Albania and Kosovo and vici versa, by creating an international diffusion for the best of Albanian contemporary art et literature.
  • Playing an important role as a point of interconnection between Albanian associations worldwide, the migrants themselves and Albanian culture, art and literature.
  • Promote the trade relations between the host country NYC but in a long term perspective Paris, Rome, Athene with Albania and Kosovo.